Facilities : Ultrasound
- Ultrasound is a technique of sound waves, ultrasound technology creates images of the body’s internal organs, including the fetus in expectant mothers.
- It is a safe procedure that doesn’t harm the mother or the unborn child internally.
- This process is OPD-related. Approximately thirty minutes are needed for a comprehensive ultrasound.
Regular ultrasound scans are performed to monitor the fetus’s health. A minimum of four scans are performed during pregnancy to ensure the safety of the unborn child.
First, check the heartbeat every six to eight weeks.
Second, an NT scan at 12 to 13 weeks and 6 days will determine whether you require additional testing and your chance of having a Down syndrome baby.
The third, and most important, time to check for fetal parts and any birth defects is during weeks eighteen and nineteen of pregnancy.
Fourth in the ninth month check out for the growth of baby.
In high-risk pregnancies, further scans may be required; this is dependent on the person.
Please bring your medical records or prescription.
- Bring a photocopy of your local Residence ID and a passport-size photo of the patient every time you come in for an ultrasound.
- Do not come in on an empty stomach, please have your breakfast/lunch.
- Most Gynaecological ultrasounds are done internally called TVS.